In 2020, while talking about humans in times of catastrophe and crisis, the philosopher Bayo Akomolafe stated “The machine is tired and exhausted”. What are the results of over-exploitation on the bodies of art workers (and especially those working in live arts) in the capitalist world?
During the past few years many thinkers have turned their ecological concerns into reflecting on de-growth. Changing the internal rhythm of the human body is the first and quite demanding step. How do we live this over-exploitation? Are we aware of it? What does it mean “to slow down”? Slowing down doesn’t refer merely to the function of speed, but to awareness. It changes the experience of time. It means not accepting to be a machine, but to be present and to acknowledge the presence of others. Can we actually rest? Can resting be an active form of resistance to the sense of productivity and endless progress?
Here is a “hands-on” workshop about rest!
This workshop, the fourth in a series that started in Brussels during the Trouble festival last April, continued in Finland at the New Performance Turku Biennale in September, and went on at MIRfestival in Athens in November, addresses art workers from every field. This workshop will be dedicated to the research resistance by resting together. Please wear comfortable clothes.